FUTUREA - przyszłość wygląda obiecująco!

Welcome to the website futurea.pl

FUTUREA Grupa Doradcza Sp. z o.o. was established on 18 September, 2002 in Warsaw. The company was founded by a team of professionals from the field of international consulting—some of them had previously worked for one of the global consulting and auditing firms from the so-called “Big Five.” FUTUREA offers consulting services, training, as well as HR and payroll outsourcing and event organisation. The year 2025 marks for the company FUTUREA the 23rd year of operations.

The name of the company, “FUTUREA,” embodies the concept of long-term thinking and taking on actions that are future-oriented and focus on the sustainable growth of companies. Assistance and support from a trusted partner are invaluable not only in business—FUTUREA is exactly this partner. Although the clients of FUTUREA include such large and well-known companies as Atos, Burger King or Siemens, we want to emphasise that EVERY client of FUTUREA, regardless of their industry or business size, may hope for a friendly approach and professional service provided at the highest professional level.

Join us now! All it takes is a phone call.

Mariusz Grzywiński 

Mariusz Grzywiński

Managing Partner


ABB, Atos Polska, Alstom Power, AON Polska, Bank Pekao, Bankowy Fundusz Leasingowy, IKEA Centres Polska, Immergas Polska, Infosys, Kellogg’s, Kongsberg Automotive, LS Airport Services, LU Polska, BSH Sprzęt Gospodarstwa Domowego, Bakalland, Burger King SEE Poland, Canon Polska, DHL Express, ENEA, EuRoPol GAZ, FRANKE Polska, Fuji Seal Poland, GEERS Akustyka Słuchu, GE Power, GETIN Noble Bank, Lukas Bank, Medivet, Medtronic Poland, Pharmaceutical Research Associates, Philips Lighting Poland, Polska Woda, Renault Retail Group, Sanitec Koło, Siemens, Smiths Aerospace, Willson & Brown, XELION Doradcy Finansowi, Zakłady Chemiczne ORGANIKA

ul. Tytusa Chałubińskiego 8
00-613 Warsaw, Poland